Fixing Knee PainA Step by Step Approach (Part 1)
1. Myofascial Foot Massage: (tennis ball for beginners, lacrosse ball for intermediate, golf ball for the more experienced)
The myofascial foot massage works to decompress the compressed nerves and muscles in your foot. Remember that the myofascial is the connective tissue network that runs throughout your body. It's the spider web of your muscle network so all muscles are connected. By starting with your foot your setting up the rest of your body for an increased range of motion, improved blood flow, and proper shock absorption. Remember that while you walk or run you put as much as 5x your body weight on each foot and if the foot can't properly distribute it, other muscles and joints will be affected. This is your base! Do each foot for about 3-4 minutes and really push it in areas where you feel a lot of pain. This will be uncomfortable but you will immediately notice some knee pain relief.
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