Tuesday, January 28, 2014



If you want a nice glutes there are a couple of factors that are affecting that goal and a load of exercises that will get you that goal. I’m going to briefly go over the affecting factors and give an overlay of the exercises to get you that nice backside.
1.      Pelvic Tilt-Your pelvic tilt will affect the appearance of your glutes and your ability to fix this problem. If you have a posterior pelvic tilt your butt will forever look flat. If you have an anterior pelvic tilt your butt will forever appear big, but so will your stomach. The goal is to have a neutral pelvic tilt as a base to start growing that backside.

  1. Fixing Posterior Pelvic Tilt: With this condition your going to have a weak: lower back, hip flexors, quadriceps, spinal erectors and tight: glutes, hamstrings, and external obliques. The solution is to strengthen the weak muscles with exercises and stretch the tight muscles. The ramifications for not heeding this advice run further than just having a flat butt, people in posterior pelvic tilt are going to be more predisposed to disc herniations than those in anterior pelvic tilt.
  1. Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt: These people usually complain that their butt is too big. The funny thing is that their butt is actually weaker than those with posterior pelvic tilt. With this condition your going to have a weak: rectus abdominis, external obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and transverse abdominis and a tight: hip flexor, quads, TFL, and spinal erector. The solution is to strengthen the weak muscles and stretch the tight muscles. The ramifications for not heeding this advice will lead to hamstring pulls and tears, lower back pain, shoulder pain, feet pain, and the list goes on.

2.     Glute Activation: When we sit a lot the glutes become inactive and lazy, so we have to wake them up. They won’t fire properly unless we do so. The first step is to free them up to fire by stretching our hip flexors. Watch this video to see how to stretch your hip flexors and tight muscles, then activate your glutes before working on them, and then finally a small preview of exercises to directly target those glutes

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